Chapter 5

How do I display a background?

Some Background Information

Since the beginning of time, humans have used raster displays to draw electronic images. Raster images aren't used too much anymore, in practice. However, most all displays still act like raster displays from a programming perspective. Each physical display on the Nintendo DS is actually an LCD screen which works nothing like a raster display in actuality, but the electronics that control it provide an interface to the graphics engines on the Nintendo DS that is very much like a raster display.

So what is a raster display? Put simply, it is just like a television display. A beam of electrons blasts away at the back of a phosphor coated screen in a deterministic way (known as a raster scan). The beam, from the perspective of a person watching the television, travels from left to right, one scan line at a time. The beam never blast electrons from right to left. After the beam reaches the right edge of the screen, it turns off and moves to the left edge and down one line. When the beam finally reaches the bottom line of the screen, it travels back up to the upper left of the screen and begins this drawing process all over again. Figure 5.1, “The Raster Display” illustrates this process in an exaggerated fashion.

Two things are important to remember here. First, that the period of time during which the beam goes from right to left (not drawing anything) is called the horizontal blanking period, or HBlank. Second, that the period of time during which the beam goes from bottom to top (again, not drawing anything) is called the vertical blanking period, or VBlank. Knowing about VBlank is useful for us as Nintendo DS programmers because it is the period of time in which we will tell the Nintendo DS to draw things. If we didn't, then the Nintendo DS display might be in the middle of drawing the screen when we tell it what to draw. This would give us strange artifacts and is generally undesirable.

Figure 5.1, “The Raster Display”

The Raster Display

The 2D Graphics Engines

The Nintendo DS has two screens. As such, it has two graphics engines, one for each screen. The first engine is referred to as the "main" engine, while the second is called the "sub" engine. Both of these engines can put in charge of either screen. By default, libnds tells the main engine to operate the top physical screen and the sub screen the bottom physical screen.

Each engine supports up to four backgrounds and up to 128 sprites. They operate independently of each other, each with their own control registers, backgrounds, sprites, graphics data, and palettes. To use an engine, we must first turn them on. Then we place the engine into a certain mode of operation. Next, we map memory for use with the engines. Finally, we load their memory with graphics data and palettes and they automatically just draw what we've set them up to do.

The Fifth Mode

Each of these graphics engines can be placed into one of seven different modes that support different features. In this manual, we'll cover one of the more common graphic modes, Mode 5. It is commonly used because it is very flexible and allows for some amazing special effects. We'll learn how to display multiple 15-bit color 1-bit alpha affine1 backgrounds in this chapter. Mode 5 consists of four different backgrounds each with their own capabilities. Table 5.1, “Mode 5 Information” shows how flexible Mode 5 can be.

Table 5.1, “Mode 5 Information”

0Tiled Mode, 2D with 3D support
1Tiled Mode, 2D
2Extended Rotation Background
3Extended Rotation Background

A Fine Affine Background

An affine background, also known as an external rotation background or "exrot" background, is one that has the ability to be transformed by an affine transformation matrix2. Since linear algebra is beyond the scope of this manual, I will cover briefly how to set up a basic affine background, but not get into rotating, scaling, or sheering it. For this manual, we'll just apply an identity transform, a transform that doesn't actually change the background, to our backgrounds. With an affine transformation matrix, you can rotate, scale, and sheer an affine background, among other interesting effects. If you want to learn about the cool effects you can do with an affine background and an affine transformation matrix, I recommend you look at Cearn's tutorial on affine transformations at

Coding with this Manual

Since this is the first time in this manual where we'll start to write code, we should be aware of the resources available to assist us in following along with this manual. If you haven't already done so, download the sources that accompany this manual from the manual homepage at After extracting the sources, you'll find a folder called code. The manual provides a template for you to use with this manual and any other Nintendo DS programming projects you might wish to start developing. This template is located in the code folder and is itself a folder called chapter_0-starting_system. The code folder also contains project folders for each chapter. If at anytime you get stuck or if you want to skip a chapter, feel free to refer the completed project for the chapter you are stuck on or to grab the completed project for the chapter prior to the one you wish to skip to. To follow along with this manual, copy the chapter_0-starting_system folder to a nice place you wish to work from (I'd copy the folder to my ~/projects directory and name the copy manual) and open source/main.cpp with your favorite text editor. (My favorite text editor is vim.) Let's get going!

Initializing the Hardware

In order to get the hardware to do what we want, we have to first initialize it. This means turning on the 2D graphics core. This is where we first fall in love with libnds. (We'll fall in love with it repeatedly over the course of this manual.) libnds makes it incredibly simple to do these two things. Add the following code to your new main.cpp C++ code file.

#include <nds.h>

int main() {
  /* Turn on the 2D graphics core. */

  /* Loop forever so that the Nintendo DS doesn't reboot upon program
   * completion. */
  for (;;)

  return 0;

Configuring the VRAM Banks

After we get the basic setup done, we now have to tell the graphics engine where to get its display data from. The two graphics engines share the same VRAM; i.e. There are not two VRAM A banks, one for the main screen and one for the sub screen. We'll use these memory locations when we load the graphics later. Let's make a function called initVideo().

void initVideo() {
   *  Map VRAM to display a background on the main and sub screens.
   *  The vramSetPrimaryBanks function takes four arguments, one for each of
   *  the major VRAM banks. We can use it as shorthand for assigning values to
   *  each of the VRAM bank's control registers.
   *  We map banks A and B to main screen background memory. This gives us
   *  256KB, which is a healthy amount for 16-bit graphics.
   *  We map bank C to sub screen background memory.
   *  We map bank D to LCD. This setting is generally used for when we aren't
   *  using a particular bank.
  vramSetPrimaryBanks(VRAM_A_MAIN_BG_0x06000000, VRAM_B_MAIN_BG_0x06020000,
                      VRAM_C_SUB_BG_0x06200000, VRAM_D_LCD);

  /*  Set the video mode on the main screen. */
  videoSetMode(MODE_5_2D |           // Set the graphics mode to Mode 5
               DISPLAY_BG2_ACTIVE |  // Enable BG2 for display
               DISPLAY_BG3_ACTIVE);  // Enable BG3 for display

  /*  Set the video mode on the sub screen. */
  videoSetModeSub(MODE_5_2D |           // Set the graphics mode to Mode 5
                  DISPLAY_BG3_ACTIVE);  // Enable BG3 for display

There are nine VRAM banks in total on the Nintendo DS. See Table 5.2, “VRAM Bank Information” for details about them. Our 16-bit background images take up 128KB of memory each. Thus, each background has to have one whole VRAM bank assigned to it. Not all VRAM banks can be used for all purposes, however. Refer to Appendix A, for more detailed information.

Table 5.2. VRAM Bank Information

VRAM BankControl Register AddressControl RegisterVRAM Bank Size

Setting up the Affine Backgrounds

libnds helps us once again by provide a nice API3 for accessing the affine transformation matrix of a particular affine background. libnds provides access to a background's affine transformation matrix through four variables. Figure 5.2, “libnds Affine Background API” shows the names of these variables and which part of the affine transformation matrix they align with.

Figure 5.2. libnds Affine Background API

\begin{bmatrix}BG3{\text{_}}XDX & BG3{\text{_}}XDY\\BG3{\text{_}}YDX & BG3{\text{_}}YDY\end{bmatrix}

What we'll do now is add three backgrounds. We'll put a splash screen on the top physical screen, a starfield on the bottom physical screen, and a planet placed atop the starfield background. To do this, we'll use SUB_BG3 (although we could use SUB_BG2) for the splash screen and both backgrounds 2 and 3 on the main screen for the planet and starfield respectively. In order to make sure the planet shows up above the starfield as opposed to below it, we give the planet a priority number less than that of the starfield's priority number. Relatively lower priority numbers place backgrounds relatively above other backgrounds. There are only four priority numbers per graphics engine that we can assign to backgrounds (priority numbers 0-3).

We'll now use that nice API libnds provides us for both the background control registers and the affine transformation matrix. Let's proceed to make a function called initBackgrounds() which will set up our affine backgrounds. Explanations of what is going on is the comments.

void initBackgrounds() {
  /*  Set up affine background 3 on main as a 16-bit color background. */
  REG_BG3CNT = BG_BMP16_256x256 |
               BG_BMP_BASE(0) |  // The starting place in memory
               BG_PRIORITY(3);   // A low priority

  /*  Set the affine transformation matrix for the main screen background 3
   *  to be the identity matrix.
  REG_BG3PA = 1 << 8;
  REG_BG3PB = 0;
  REG_BG3PC = 0;
  REG_BG3PD = 1 << 8;

  /*  Place main screen background 3 at the origin (upper left of the
   *  screen).
  REG_BG3X = 0;
  REG_BG3Y = 0;

  /*  Set up affine background 2 on main as a 16-bit color background. */
  REG_BG2CNT = BG_BMP16_128x128 |
               BG_BMP_BASE(8) |  // The starting place in memory
               BG_PRIORITY(2);   // A higher priority

  /*  Set the affine transformation matrix for the main screen background 3
   *  to be the identity matrix.
  REG_BG2PA = 1 << 8;
  REG_BG2PB = 0;
  REG_BG2PC = 0;
  REG_BG2PD = 1 << 8;

  /*  Place main screen background 2 in an interesting place. */
  REG_BG2X = -(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 - 32) << 8;
  REG_BG2Y = -32 << 8;

  /*  Set up affine background 3 on the sub screen as a 16-bit color
   *  background.
  REG_BG3CNT_SUB = BG_BMP16_256x256 |
                   BG_BMP_BASE(0) |  // The starting place in memory
                   BG_PRIORITY(3);   // A low priority

  /*  Set the affine transformation matrix for the sub screen background 3
   *  to be the identity matrix.
  REG_BG3PA_SUB = 1 << 8;
  REG_BG3PB_SUB = 0;
  REG_BG3PC_SUB = 0;
  REG_BG3PD_SUB = 1 << 8;

   *  Place main screen background 3 at the origin (upper left of the screen)
  REG_BG3X_SUB = 0;
  REG_BG3Y_SUB = 0;

Fixed Point Number Primer

What's up with all those << 8 thingies? Those are fixed point numbers. The Nintendo DS expects many values to be in varying fixed point formats. A fixed point number is simply a way of specifying multiples of fractions to represent non-integer values. For example, if we use an integer variable to store a US Dollar amount, we might initially think we can only represent whole dollar values. However, if we decide to store US pennies in the integer as opposed to whole dollar values, we can all of a sudden represent fractions of US Dollars with our integer. We can have 1.21 US Dollars by saying we have 121 pennies.

Common notation for fixed point types looks like 1.31, 1.7.24, 8.8, and etc. To interpret this notation, we read from right to left. First, we find the number of bits used to specify fractional parts. The next number will be the number of bits for whole number parts. And, if there is another number, it will usually indicate the sign of the number as being either positive or negative with one bit. Figure 5.3, “Integer variables can be used to represent fractions.” illustrates the concept of fixed point numbers.

Figure 5.3. Integer variables can be used to represent fractions.

Bits Positions:

\[ 15{\text{ }}14{\text{ }}13{\text{ }}12{\text{ }} 11{\text{ }}10{\text{ }}9{\text{ }}8{\text{ }}7{\text{ }}6{\text{ }}5{\text{ }}4{\text{ }}3{\text{ }}2{\text{ }}1{\text{ }}0 \]

Normal Interpretation:

\[ 2^{15} + 2^{14} + 2^{13} + 2^{12} + 2^{11} + 2^{10} + 2^{9} + 2^{8} + 2^{7} + 2^{6} + 2^{5} + 2^{4} + 2^{3} + 2^{2} + 2^{1} + 2^{0} \]

Fixed Point (8.8) Interpretation:

\[ 2^{7} + 2^{6} + 2^{5} + 2^{4} + 2^{3} + 2^{2} + 2^{1} + 2^{0} + 2^{-1} + 2^{-2} + 2^{-3} + 2^{-4} + 2^{-5} + 2^{-6} + 2^{-7} + 2^{-8} \]

The Basics of DMA

DMA stands for Direct Memory Access. DMA allows the reading and writing of memory independently of the CPU. The Nintendo DS has special, dedicated DMA hardware to do quick and moderately effcient moving of memory. DMA is not very efficient for memory fill operations, however, as the data to fill with needs to be read once for every write. Libnds provides us with a few functions to make use of the DMA hardware in the Nintendo DS.

Whenever you have the opportunity to use DMA, you should. It is always better to use DMA than to use a for loop to copy data. When using DMA to copy from main memory, do not forget to flush main memory before using DMA. The DMA doesn't use the cache where the relevant memory may currently be stored, so flushing to main memory guarantees that DMA sees the correct data. Another issue to consider would be that in the middle of a DMA, the main CPUs are prevented from using certain memory hardware. This can cause awkward bugs with interrupt handling. For this reason, and swifastcopy() may be safer, and is not too much slower. The safest bet is always memcopy() and memset(), if you are running into some bugs.

The declaration of dmaCopyHalfWords() from libnds is as follows.

static inline void
    uint8 channel,
    const void *source,
    void *dest,
    uint32 size

In our program, we will use dmaCopyHalfWords() to load some graphics into memory. We use the function dmaCopyHalfWords() instead of dmaCopy() because it is more explicit as to how it is copying and it lets us specify which DMA channel to use when copying. We'll use the same channel (channel 3) that the ordinary dmaCopy() uses, though.

Let's start out by writing some functions to display our backgrounds. Since we've already set up the hardware to display the data in the desired manner, right after the copy we will get some nice images displayed on our screens. If we didn't set up our backgrounds first, we'd most likely get garbage on the screen until we eventually did set up the background control registers.

/* Select a low priority DMA channel to perform our background copying. */
static const int DMA_CHANNEL = 3;

void displayStarField() {
  dmaCopyHalfWords(DMA_CHANNEL, starFieldBitmap, /* This variable is generated
                                                  * for us by grit. */
                   (uint16 *)BG_BMP_RAM(0),      /* Our address for main
                                                  * background 3 */
                   starFieldBitmapLen); /* This length (in bytes) is generated
                                         * from grit. */

void displayPlanet() {
  dmaCopyHalfWords(DMA_CHANNEL, planetBitmap, /* This variable is generated for
                                               * us by grit. */
                   (uint16 *)BG_BMP_RAM(8),   /* Our address for main
                                               * background 2 */
                   planetBitmapLen); /* This length (in bytes) is generated
                                      * from grit. */

void displaySplash() {
  dmaCopyHalfWords(DMA_CHANNEL, splashBitmap, /* This variable is generated for
                                               * us by grit. */
                   (uint16 *)BG_BMP_RAM_SUB(0), /* Our address for sub
                                                 * background 3 */
                   splashBitmapLen); /* This length (in bytes) is generated
                                      * from grit. */

Working with the Makefile

The default template makefile will turn your graphic files into object files for linking into your program. Never include data as a header file.

The graphics must be in a lossless image format, such as gif, tif, bmp, or png in order to work with the provided template makefile. I prefer the png graphic format. Image conversion is usually done by a program called grit. The provided template makefile will ask grit to convert images in the gfx folder of your project root to a format ready for the Nintendo DS.

The provided template makefile, adapted from the default libnds template makefile, is a good base for most all projects. It will look in a folder called gfx (in the same directory as the makefile) for your graphics. If any are found, it uses a special bin2o rule to tell grit to turn your images into .o files, according to grit rule files (with the .grit files extension), which can be linked into your program. grit will create a header file (.h) for your data. The name format for them works like so: if a file is called orangeShuttle.png the header file will be called orangeShuttle.h. Inside this header file will be a reference to the data in the .o, named orangeShuttleTiles and orangeShuttlePal or orangeShuttleBitmap, depending on how the grit file specifies which format to convert your image into. It will also include the length in bytes of the data references as orangeShuttleTilesLen and orangeShuttlePalLen or orangeShuttleBitmapLen.

For our project, we'll be putting the our graphic files and grit rule files into the gfx directory and having the makefile use grit on them.

Gritty Crash Course

With the emergence of the awesome and multi-platform tool, grit there is no reason to not learn how to use it. It is now a standard tool in Nintendo DS and GBA development where afore to there was no universal method of image conversion.

To use grit, we make a grit rule file. This file has the .grit file extension an contains important information telling grit how we want our image converted. You can learn about how grit works by reading its built-in help by running the command grit with no parameters. I've also provided commented grit rule files for all images we will use in this manual. These make good examples and can help you get the hang of using grit.

For more information regarding grit, you can visit the project homepage and read the grit manual at and respectively. You can also download the latest version of grit from the grit project homepage.

Putting in the Star Fields

Let's now put these functions into our main() function to get everything working together.

#include <nds.h>

#include "planet.h"
#include "splash.h"
#include "starField.h"

/* Other functions we've made are here. */
int main() {
  /*  Turn on the 2D graphics core. */

  /*  Configure the VRAM and background control registers. */
  lcdMainOnBottom();  // Place the main screen on the bottom physical screen

  /*  Display the backgrounds. */

  /* Loop forever so that the Nintendo DS doesn't reboot upon program
   * completion. */
  for (;;)

  return 0;


Check over your code, referring to the included examples if needed. Make sure you have the graphics files and the grit rule files in the gfx directory in your project directory. Bring up the command line and set your current working directory to the directory which contains the makefile for your project. Type make and if all goes well, you'll have good success.

See Figure 5.4, “The program should look like this when run.”. Copy your program to your DS using the method you have chosen.

Figure 5.4. The program should look like this when run.


Starfield and planet




Affine transformation matrix


Application programming interface