Today we will get started learning some ARM instructions. But first some facts you should keep in mind (relating to speed):
.align 4, 16bit = .align 2
The CPU can do some funky things when you use non-aligned addresses which are bound to slow things up.
The LDR Instruction is quite multipurpose, although it's main purpose is to load (read) a value from memory.
It can use many addressing modes, some of which I don't even know... Find a manual. I was lucky enough to find
"ARM Architecture Reference Manual 2nd Edition" at a local bargain book store. There's also some manuals on The simplest of the LDR instructions loads a value that get's "pooled" in ROM (or whereever you're
running your code from. Looks like this:
ldr r0,=0x32bitnumber
(where 0x32bitnumber is a 32bit number,
such as 0x403, 0xCAFEBABE, 0xBAD00FED, 0x6000000...).
The number is actually stored in the "pool", the assembler
will do this automatically. Typically, you should explicitly tell it where it can put a pool by saying .ltorg
after each subroutine (or at the end of the file if you're doing something small).
The next mode reads from an address stored in another register, example:
ldr r0, [r1]
This will load r0 with the 32bit word at the address in r1. (in C, it's similar to r0 = *r1;
This brings up a syntax point, when a register has brackets [around] it, the instruction is typically refering to the RAM contents of the address in the register in brackets and not the register's value itself.
There are a few more modes that you should be aware of: (I will use r0, but any register can actually be used. A register can also be used in place of #offset.)
Note that these are addressing modes, and the full instruction looks like this[r0, #offset]
- The number r0 + #offset is used as the address. (Pre-indexed) if you put a ! after the ending bracket, the address used will be written into r0. This is called "write-back" (or atleast it's a good name for it). Useful in a loop so you don't have to have another instruction to update your address pointer (r0 in these examples).[r0], #offset
- The number r0 is used as the address and then r0+#offset is written into r0. (Post-indexed) (Write-back is automatic)
ldr r1, address_mode
. So that means we are free to do stuff likeldr r1, [r0, r2]
or ldr r3, [r2], #4
. The first one does: r1 = RAM at address r0+r2, the second: r3 = RAM at address r2, r2=r2+#4.
See how robust ARM instructions are? Trust me, you haven't seen anything yet!
The STR Instruction uses pretty much the same modes as LDR (except for ,=0x32bitnumber). The only difference is: It stores (writes) the value into the memory address instead of reading it. Simple enough/Nuff said.
The MOV Instruction is useful in that it moves numbers between registers, it can also include a shift operation. It's syntax looks something like this (reg1,reg2 can be any registers, reg2 is always unchanged by the instruction):
Note that doing something likemov reg1, reg2 {,LSL/LSR/ASR/ROR/RRX #}
- Will move the value in reg2 (possibly shifted by an optional shift parameter) into reg1. example:mov r0, r1, LSL #2
is r0 = r1 shifted left 2 reg1, #0xnumber
- Will move the number into reg1. There are restrictions on the number however. It can only be a number that can be made by shifting up a byte sized value.
mov r0, r0
is essentially a NOP (does nothing), and if you want to shift a
register, a MOV instruction is what you need:mov r0, r0, LSL #3
shifts r0 up 3. There are no stand-alone shift
instructions in the ARM instruction set.
The shifting syntax is the same with many instructions (especially math ones like ADD,SUB,EOR,ORR,AND,BIC, all have syntax like MOV, I will not cover the shifting syntax again, except possibly including it in examples for when we go over compatable instructions. If you need help, feel free to email me, and I'll see if I can be of assistance.
I hope you got all of that, these instructions are quite important. Next, we will cover loading smaller values from RAM, and learn about branches, and then dissect the program from Chapter 1.
That's all for today, how about Chapter 4? Or the GBA ASM index?