Day 14

Getting Input

	Today, instead of just a single char, we'll input an entire line from the user. We will be
using DOS Service Function Ah.

The Buffer

Function Ah takes an special buffer for text. It is arranged like so: byte 0 - Maximum length of input byte 1 - Will be filled after the input is received with the actual number of chars bytes 2-n - The buffer to be filled with input, should be atleast (byte 0) chars long Here's how we do it in code: len db 254 ; a fair amount of space act db 0 ; will be filled with actual amount of chars received buffer db 254 dup 0 ; DUP means that I want 254 bytes of the number following which is 0. ; that's so we don't have to do 254 of 0,0,0, etc...

How to use Function 0Ah

Here's the code to input a line: mov ah,0Ah ; function number mov dx,offset len ; start of buffer int 21h ; call DOS Now, we should move down a line so that we can echo back the input: mov ah,2 mov dl,10 int 21h mov dl,13 int 21h ; 10 and 13 make up a carriage return and line feed. Put a dollar sign at the end of the chars inputted: mov bx,offset act ; pointer to length of text string mov dx,offset buffer ; pointer to the start of chars add dl,byte [bx] ; add the length to the pointer of chars. ; we need ^ the "byte" otherwise we will be adding the full 16bit number at that location. mov bx,dx ; move pointer into BX mov byte [bx],'$' ; put the $ there. Now it's all ready to output with Function 9: mov dx,offset buffer mov ah,9 ; output the input string int 21h mov ah,4Ch ; exit the program int 21h Here's our buffer: len db 255 act db 0 coma1 db 256 DUP 0 That's it! I hope you understood all that pointer math when we put the dollar sign in!

This Day In Review

Input is very important, what use is a program without it? Until Next Time!, - Mike H
Intro - Day 15

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