Day 15

Comparing Strings

	Yesterday, we got a string of text from the user. Today, we'll learn how to do a case
insensitive comparison of 2 strings. However, there's a catch, these strings must be NULL
terminated (end with a 0 byte instead of a $). So instead of putting a $ on the end like
last time, we'll put a 0 at the end.

Service 2Fh

Service 2Fh is the Multiplex Service. It allows communication between Windows and DOS. We'll be using Function 121Eh to compare strings. That's right, a 16bit number. For 16bit function numbers, all of AX is the function number.

How to use Function 121Eh

Here's our input again and move down a lines: mov ah,0Ah mov ds,cs mov dx,offset len int 21h mov ah,2 mov dl,10 int 21h mov dl,13 int 21h This puts a 0 at the end making a NULL-terminated string. mov bx,offset act mov dx,offset buffer add dl,byte [bx] mov bx,dx mov byte [bx],0 ; note that the zero was $ last time Here we do the comparison: mov ax,offset msg ; compare input with msg variable mov si,ax ; SI is the first string mov ax,offset buffer mov di,ax ; DI is the second string, it shouldn't matter what order. mov ax,121Eh ; function number int 2Fh ; call Multiplex Service je Yep ; if strings equal goto Yep jmp Nope ; goto Nope Yep: mov dx,offset good mov ah,9 int 21h ; tell the user it's good mov ah,4Ch int 21h ; exit Nope: mov dx,offset bad mov ah,9 int 21h ; tell user no match mov ah,4Ch int 21h ; exit len db 255 act db 0 buffer db 256 DUP 0 msg db "Elmo",0 bad db "How can you not say 'Elmo'!$" good db "I like Elmo too!$" And they say ASM is hard!? If you don't get it, ask me!

This Day In Review

Everyone always wants to compare strings, so here you go! Have some fun with this!, -Mike
Intro - Day 16

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