Day 6
Outputting Text Strings
Yep, like a printf().
A String Variable
Just like a normal one:
var1 db "Hello$" ; you can use either ' or " for this.
Note that if you use var1 like we've seen before, you'll be changing the He if
you use 16bits (AX,BX,CX,DX) or just H if you use the 8bit parts (AH,BH,AL,BL, etc...).
What you really should use var1 for is creating a pointer to the start of the string,
which in DOS ends with a '$' (a peso sign, the official United State of America dollar has
2 lines through the 'S', I think, but I'm not sure). This means that you can't output
a $ with this method, use the character output to do a $.
Doing it
If this title means more to you than just outputting text, then you do way to much
programming, close this window and go outside and find a hooker or something...
Anyway, here's the code:
;;---CODE START---;;
jmp start ; the JuMP instruction, skip over the data so it's not executed by the CPU.
msg db "Hello faithful reader!$"
mov dx,offset msg ; the DOS Service function 9 expects the pointer to the text in DX.
mov ah,9 ; DOS Service function 9 outputs text.
int 21h ; call DOS
mov ah,4Ch
int 21h ; call the DOS Service function that exits the program.
;;---CODE END---;;
Very easy. Have fun! :)
This Day In Review
How about comparing things and jumping places!
Have fun!,
-Mike H a.k.a GbaGuy
Intro - Day 7
Note that I do not support prostitution and it is illegal in the USA.
Patater GBAGuy Mirror