Day 12
Setting Up Graphics
Today, we will setup graphics and draw a pixel!
BIOS Screen Services
INT 10h is the BIOS Screen or Video Services.
Setting the Graphics mode
Will will use mode 13h, it is a paletted 320x240 sized 256 color mode.
Here's the code to set it up:
mov al,13h ; the mode
mov ah,0 ; function number 0
int 10h ; call BIOS Screen Service
Drawing a Pixel
BIOS Screen Service Function Number 0ch is draw a pixel, it expects the
color number in AL, X in CX,and Y in DX.
The code: (Red pixel at 50,100):
mov ah,0ch
mov al,4 ; 4 is red with default palette
mov cx,50 ; x = 50
mov dx,100 ; y = 100
int 10h ; call BIOS Service
This Day In Review
Simple, isn't it! With what you currently know, you can write a program to display
all 256 colors.
Have fun!,
- GbaGuy
Intro - Day 13
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