Day 23
Inputting Numbers
Inputting numbers was asked for recently on the Win32ASM boards, I figured
I should mention it here.
Services Used
We will use INT 21h, Function 1. INT 16h can also be used, it would probably
be better to use INT 16h, because it's a BIOS call (not dependant on DOS), but we'll use
INT 21h anyway...
The Code
Here it is:
mov ah,1
int 21h ; returns ASCII code in AL
sub al,30h ; '1' the char, -30h will equal 1 (the number)
;--CODE END--;
This Day In Review
Very simple. Although this only works with 1 digit numbers, there's no reason
why you can't write a subroutine to input longer numbers...
Happy Coding!,
- GbaGuy
Intro - Day 24
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